Friday, August 15, 2008
Oh I have never despised a house mate as much as I do him. When he first went into the house I did take pity in him. He is blind afterall but he did seem like a good laugh. Then when he was arguing with Alexandra again, I took pity on him as Alex just came across as a vindictive bully. However, being blind does not excuse the foul behavior this man has displayed. First there was the thing with the cup. I’m not even going to go there-thats just gross. Then there is the fact that he has always been on Team Nasty. All Mikey seems to do is bitch and bitch and bitch. His diary room entries are a pain to watch too as he always shouts when he is in there making us have to fiddle with the volume control. He is also very crude and sometimes the remarks he comes out with just make him look like a dirty pervert. I am praying for the day when this man is evicted.
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