Big Brother 9 UK : Darnell Intro

Friday, August 15, 2008

Darnell is quite a strong character in the house. He is leader of ‘B Block’ and is therefore opposing ‘Team Nasty’, which is always a plus. I remember watching his audition video thinking that he did seem quite cool. This guy came up with such classic songs such as ‘Cookie Love’ and is therefore liked by me. Currently he is Head of House and although I think he did deserve his position I would like to see him lead the group more. Currently he just seems to be getting on as normal. This position is definately going to make him hated by the Hell house mates so I would like to see him try to comprimise with Big Brother to the benefits of the Hell house mates. Sure, many of them deserve to be in hell but I’m getting sick of them moaning ‘It’s not fair!’.