Big Brother 9 UK| Mario and Lisa SNOG/Kiss disgustingly

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Big Brother 9 UK|Lisa leaves Big Brother through Fire Exit and comes back

Big Brother 9 Rachel Rice strips for a massage

Big Brother 9 UK - Mohamed Audition Tape

Big Brother 9 UK - Belinda Audition Tape

Big Brother 9 UK - Sara Audition Tape

Big Brother 9 UK - Nicole Audition Tape

Big Brother 9 UK - Maysoon Audition Tape

Big Brother 9 UK - Dennis Audition Tape

Big Brother 9 UK - Sylvia Audition Tape

Big Brother 9 UK - Rebecca Audition Tape

Big Brother 9 UK - Jennifer Audition Tape

Big Brother 9 UK - Michael Audition Tape

Big Brother 9 UK - Mario & Lisa Audition Tape

Big Brother 9 UK - Dale Audition Tape

Big Brother 9 UK - Stuart Audition Tape

Big Brother 9 UK - Darnell Audition Tape

Big Brother 9 UK - Luke Audition Tape

Big Brother 9 UK - Rex Audition Tape

Big Brother 9 UK - Rachel Audition Tape

Big Brother 9 UK - Kathreya Audition Tape

Big Brother 9 UK - Stephanie Audition Tape

Big Brother 9 UK : Sylvia Intro

Friday, August 15, 2008

First she made a name for herself as being Alex’s lackey. Wherever Alex went Sylvia seemed to follow. Then she distanced herself from that image and became rather close to Dennis, Jen and the rest of Team Nasty. She was incredibly two faced and was always bitching. After Alex she was my second least favorite house mate in the beginning. Despite all that however, I also had some respect for her. She moved here when she was 11 after witnessing some terrible events in her own country. I did feel though that she deserved to go when she was evicted and I would not like to see her return to the house if I am completely honest.

Big Brother 9 UK : Stuart Intro

Sometimes I think he is way too arrogant for his own good. Other times I rather like him. I guess, even though I like Dale more, he is also growing on me. I don’t really dislike him as he seems like an alright guy though when he got involved with Team Nasty he had a lot of haters. Now that Jen has left however he seems to be more neutral like Dale and I can probably grow to like him more.

Big Brother 9 UK : Stephanie Intro

I feel she was evicted too early. I really liked her and I don’t think there should have been a eviction held after only 7 days. After standing up to Alex she showed that she had balls and deserved to stay in a while longer. There have been numerous threads in the forums about the fact that she should return on a secret mission but I don’t think that will be done this year. It’s a shame but I don’t think it will happen.

Big Brother 9 UK : Sara Intro

Another one I’m still quite undecided on. Sara is the third ’super hot new house mate’. Damn she is so flirty. Even towards Mikey! Not much to say on her really though sometimes her voice grates on me a tad. I love the Australian accent but her voice just seems a little loud at times I guess. She seems like an alright person so far though and I think I could grow to like her.

Big Brother 9 UK : Rex Intro

‘Sexy Rexy’ comes across as arrogant, rude, spoilt and pretentious but thats why we love him. His rude and arrogant remarks often come across as being just plain funny. Although he does have a lot of haters I for one find him very funny and hoping he will stay for a while. Unfortunately, a lot of the house mates hate him a lot so it means he will be up for nominations constantly but thats ok. He has a lot of wild fan girls to vote like mad to keep him in. Sometimes I think his fans have their own little cult who find Rex ’strangely alluring’. But then again, don’t we all...

Big Brother 9 UK : Rebecca Intro

At first, I will admit, I really liked Bex. Apart from when she almost burst my ear drums, I liked the fact she seemed fun. Time progressed and her idea of fun started to get a little boring. No offence, but I for one do not want to see her running naked through the garden. Thats not fun and it makes me want to vomit. If she kept her clothes on she wouldn’t be that bad. She does like to bitch a lot however, and because of this she is a part of Team Nasty. Although I’m not really liking her at the moment, I would not want to see her go as she can be entertaining at times. If only she would stop the moaning…

Big Brother 9 UK : Rachal Intro

My favorite house mate. People sometimes say that she is incredibly boring but I just think that shes edited like that on the highlight show. If you watch the highlights you can often see Rachel taking part in conversations and having fun with Kat. The only think she doesn’t do is bitch. This is why I love her. She has not once bitched about people and if she had a problem with someone she would just tell them to their face. If not bitching and not being two faced makes a person boring then, hell, I must like boring people.

Big Brother 9 UK : Nicole Intro

Nicole Cammack might have officially entered the Big Brother house on Friday but with Rex having spent the last two months constantly talking about her it seems like she has always been there.

Last week we got to see her in the flesh for the first time when she lined up in the identity parade. After Lisa and Luke wrongly picked out girl 6 as Rex's girlfriend and branded Nicole "common" they had to face Rex's wrath.

Poor Lisa had a shock when Nicole entered the house after Luke's eviction - as a new housemate.

Student Nicole is the youngest housemate at 19-years-old. She is from Surrey and didn't want Rex to take part in Big Brother...leaving many people to wonder what she is doing in there.

Nicole told Big Brother before she entered the house: "I'm very, very, very excited to be going in. It's a great opportunity, a great challenge.

"I want to support Rex, I miss him so much and I really, really want to see him."

Big Brother 9 UK : Michael Intro

Oh I have never despised a house mate as much as I do him. When he first went into the house I did take pity in him. He is blind afterall but he did seem like a good laugh. Then when he was arguing with Alexandra again, I took pity on him as Alex just came across as a vindictive bully. However, being blind does not excuse the foul behavior this man has displayed. First there was the thing with the cup. I’m not even going to go there-thats just gross. Then there is the fact that he has always been on Team Nasty. All Mikey seems to do is bitch and bitch and bitch. His diary room entries are a pain to watch too as he always shouts when he is in there making us have to fiddle with the volume control. He is also very crude and sometimes the remarks he comes out with just make him look like a dirty pervert. I am praying for the day when this man is evicted.

Big Brother 9 UK : Mohamed Intro

I haven’t really taken a shine to Mo yet however, I don’t necessarily hate him either. Obviously what happened to him during the whole ‘Spitgate’ fiasco was completely out of order. I don’t dislike him but all he ever seems to do is lie around, eat and fart. It’s really disgusting to watch. He also seems to be a little hypocritical when it comes to religion. I don’t know much about the Muslim practise but I know that Muslim men aren’t supposed to drink, smoke and dress up as woman. He does all of these things yet still wants to stick to his Halal meat diet. Ah well I guess its up to him. Hopefully I will be able to make a judgment on him soon…

Big Brother 9 UK : Maysoon Intro

Before the three new house mates were revealed we got told that one of them was ‘a super hot model who had advertised Lynx’. Am I the only one who doesn’t find her that attractive? Yeah ok, she is pretty, but she is not ’super hot’ and it seems we got our hopes up for nothing. Hot or not, in the Big Brother house, its all about personality. At first I thought it was just the editing of the Highlights show so I decided to watch Live Feed. This person seems to have no personality what so ever. Now people normally complain about Rachel being the bore but I disagree. Maysoon is well the bore of the house. Hopefully, in the next few weeks she will start to become a bit more involved with the group.

Big Brother 9 UK : Mario Intro

The Italian Stallion. Not. Thank God Mario was evicted last week. His constant bitching and bullying was starting to bore the nation. With his ‘Health and Safety’ rants and his arrogant remarks about his ‘fan club’, I really don’t think I would have been able to put up with another week of him. If he had of survived last week’s eviction his head size would only increase and his stories would have become more and more delusional.

Big Brother 9 UK : Luke Intro

Didn’t he seem really sweet when he first entered? If I remember correctly he was favorite to win at one point. Oh how times have changed. Granted, there are a few Luke fans left but they seem to dwindling rather fast. His two faced, moaning personality does not make him a favorite amongst viewers. To top it off he seems to have taken over the reigns as Leader of Team Nasty. Thats it Luke. Think of more reasons for us to hate you. Oh and its no good trying to lie dear, you know and we all know that you do fancy Bex.

Big Brother 9 UK : Lisa Intro

At first I didn’t hate her at all. In fact, last week I had deep sympathy for her. As one half of the first BB couple ever, we got to see how their relationship coped within the house. During Mario’s stay in the house he seemed to constantly belittle her. However, after Mario has left we seem to be seeing a different side to her. I was hoping she would open up more now that he had left and become her own person. I was not expecting her to turn into a Mario clone. All that ever seems to come out of her mouth is either Mario related or is a bitchy comment about someone. Despite this I am still holding out hope. Come on Lisa! Show us your real self! That is if there is anyone behind all the plastic surgery…

Big Brother 9 UK : Kathreya Intro

‘Cooooooookies!!’ When you see a 30 year old woman jumping around like 6 year old singing about her cookie jar there are normally two things that run through people’s minds: ”Oh my dear god this woman is a nut job” Or, if your like me: ”Wahhh!!~ This woman rules!!” Yes. I love Kat. Some people find her annoying, others just love her. She seems so innocent and sweet that I just have to love this woman. She comes out with some pretty awesome quotes too: ”I look like a potatoooooo!~”

Big Brother 9 UK : Jennifer Intro

This girl is incredibly pretty, there is no denying that. However, Queen Jen was the favorite to go after she rose to Leader of ‘Team Nasty’. The whole ‘Spitgate’ thing escualated to something so serious as she played up about her ‘precious painting’. Although Rex did not have the right to do that it was hardly worth crying about. Her painting wasn’t even ruined. Maybe I have poor eyesight but I couldn’t tell any difference after Rex had apparently ruined it. She is also massively hypocritical. She said that she would never do Heat magazine. Surprise surprise! She was featured in their magazine a week or so after her eviction. She also claimed she wouldn’t do any lads magazine as she has a daughter. Funny how this week she is appearing in NUTS.

Big Brother 9 UK : Dennis Intro

Such a foul person. Since when has it been acceptable to spit in a persons face? Totally dispicable. Thank God they threw him out and no magazine will offer him any publicity. He doesn’t deserve it.

Big Brother 9 UK : Darnell Intro

Darnell is quite a strong character in the house. He is leader of ‘B Block’ and is therefore opposing ‘Team Nasty’, which is always a plus. I remember watching his audition video thinking that he did seem quite cool. This guy came up with such classic songs such as ‘Cookie Love’ and is therefore liked by me. Currently he is Head of House and although I think he did deserve his position I would like to see him lead the group more. Currently he just seems to be getting on as normal. This position is definately going to make him hated by the Hell house mates so I would like to see him try to comprimise with Big Brother to the benefits of the Hell house mates. Sure, many of them deserve to be in hell but I’m getting sick of them moaning ‘It’s not fair!’.

Big Brother 9 UK : Dale Intro

A bit of eye candy for the girls here. Shame there doesn’t seem to be much going on in his head. I actually quite like him. I admit that when he was with Jen I didn’t like him that much. All he did was stumble over his sentences and tell her that he likes her. At first it was sweet but it kinda got old I guess. Then, during Spitgate, we seen his temper emerge. My my, Dale you are an angry one. Recently however, he seems to be separating himself from ‘Team Nasty’ more and more which is a plus. Although he still seems a little slow he is becoming more and more liked by me.

Big Brother 9 UK : Belinda Intro

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Belinda Belinda Belinda. So bad they named her thrice. You know I actually like this woman a lot. I can understand why she is up for eviction though. Her snoring must be driving the other house mates insane. Her constant singing can be rather annoying but I think she adds a unique element to the house and she is my favorite out of the three newest house mates. Too bad she will be evicted on Friday.

Big Brother 9 UK : Alexandra Intro

I hated her from day one. She was rude and a bully. I remember not to long after they first entered she got into a huge argument with Mikey about him being ‘disrespectful’. No offense dear but it wasn’t even your argument to begin with. Sylvia lived through a war in Sierra Leone. I’m sure she can handle one blind guy prancing around in her underwear.